(with possibilities to prepare foreigners and persons without citizenship)
The higher education degree: Bachelor degree
The aim of the educational program is preparation of specialists in the field of education and pedagogics, organizers of teaching and educational process (including children and young people with the special educational necessities), decision-taking powering of actual social-pedagogical questions and problems in education and social education, forming and development of their integral, general and professional competences.
Professional qualification: teacher-organizer of teaching and educational process (including children and young people with the special educational necessities).
Employment Settings: graduating program students are able to hold positions of pedagogical workers in education establishments: teacher-organizer; an organizer of out-of-class and out-of-school educational activity with children; methodist of out-of-school educational establishment; assistant of teacher in educational establishment with inclusive and integrated studies; educator in educational establishments and their structural subdivisions (boarding-school, dormitory, extended daycare group and others like that) other establishments and organizations; an assistant of social educator for the work with disabled children.
Forms of education: full-time, part-time
Further studies: graduating program students can continue an education for the second (master’s degree) level and also they can promote their qualification and get additional postgraduate education.
The list of documents:
1.An application form for the rector’s name.
2.Diploma original about the base higher education and grades certified extract.
3. The copy of state standard document about an educational (educationally-qualificatory) level on the basis of entering and a copy of appendix for it -2 ex
4. Passport (3 pages) – 3 copies
5. ID code – 3 copies
6. The military registration certificate for commandeered person (except the cases of legislatively prescribed)
7. Coloring Photos with size 3 * 4 -6 ex.
PhD (Candidate if Pedagogical science) Korolova Nataliya
Contacts for information:
(057)733-78-75, (057) 733-78-42
(050)558-67-19, (097)465-29-12